Traffic Violations in Italy

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Five Germans in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian Border.

The Italian Customs Officer stops and tells them "It's-a illegal to put-a five-a people in a Quattro"

"Vos ist das? illegal?" asks the German driver.

"Quattro means-a four" replies the Italian official.

"Quattro ist jost ze name of ze fokken automobile" says the German, "look at ze dam papers, ze car iz for carrying fife peoples designed."

"You can-a pull-a that-a one on-a me!" replies the Italian Customs officer, "Quattro means-a four. You have-a five-a people in-a you car and-a you are therefore-a breaking the law."
The German driver replies angrily, "You dummkopf! Call your supervisor commen z emit, at vunce, I vant to schpeak mit someone mit intelligence!"
"He no can-a come" says the Italian Customs officer, " he's-a busy with-a two guys in-a Fiat Uno."

Courtesy: Badar